Dentures are a replacement option for missing teeth. A complete denture is a removable prosthesis of white plastic teeth in a pink gum-colored plastic base.
Partial Denture
Often called a "partial," this type of denture is often used when only some of the teeth are missing. A partial denture is a removable appliance held in place by gripping the remaining healthy teeth, usually with metal clasps or wires.
Bar Attachment Denture
The bar attachment denture can be used to replace entire rows of teeth. If you are wearing traditional dentures and find them to be inconvenient or uncomfortable, you are a top candidate for this restorative option.
Columbia River Dental, 230 Columbia Blvd, St. Helens, OR 97051 | (503) 397-0080 | | 9/23/2024 | Page Phrases: dentist St. Helens OR |